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parataniwha, Elatostema rugosum
parataniwha, Elatostema rugosum| Image by Gabriela V.

Parataniwha, a name that roughly translates as "home of the taniwha" - a powerful supernatural being in Māori mythology. Found growing at the bases of waterfalls, alongside streams, and in gullies, consistent moisture availability is a non-negotiable for this NZ treasure. It also loves shade, but some filtered light will bring out the bronze tones in its foliage. Endemic to the North Island, its natural range spans from North Cape to the Tararua ranges.

parataniwha, Elatostema rugosum, moisture loving plant
parataniwha, Elatostema rugosum framing a pathway | Image by Gabriela V.

A docile member of the nettle family (Urticaceae), it is an attractive plant with soft foliage that is pleasant to touch- the serrated edges of its leaves do not possess any stinging hairs characteristic of the family.

In a garden situation parataniwha could be used as an excellent groundcover or edging plant with little to no maintenance, forming mounds of leaves that can grow to 40 - 50 cm tall if given the right conditions. Their presence introduces a distinctive flair to your garden, that's difficult to miss. Its flowers and fruit, however, are minute.

Sharing this indispensable need for steady presence of water is an elusive, yet even more remarkable, creature of the New Zealand forest: the Powelliphanta group of giant land snails - one of the world's largest, most brightly coloured, and beautiful snails.

Powellipantha sp., giant land snail NZ Powellipantha superba prouseorum, the largest Powellipantha species. Image: Kath Walker | DOC

These snails grow to an impressive diameter of 9 cm and have a life span of 20 years or more. They require a moist environment because, unlike other terrestrial mollusks, they're unable to seal off their shells with a protective mucous membrane. Their shells desiccated and cracked, Powelliphanta will dehydrate and fail to complete their lifecycle in any absense of water. Unfortunately, these carnivorous nocturnal snails are under serious threat, and even in danger of extinction. They have no defences against introduced mammalian predators and habitat loss.

Powellipantha sp., giant land snail NZ Diversity of the Powellipantha species Image: Kath Walker | DOC

Originating more than 235 million years ago on the supercontinent Gondwana, these slow, quiet, and small creatures have been isolated in New Zealand since it separated from Australia about 80 million years ago.

While the chances of finding such enduring fossils in the garden are slim, the need to protect their habitat is of the utmost importance.


Source: Wikipedia , Department of Conservation New Zealand authoritative website,; Nature guide to the New Zealand Forest (Dawson, J. & Lucas, R. 2000, Random House, New Zealand)

Urtica ferox | ongaonga, tree nettle. Photo by Elaina H.

One of the most poisonous endemic plants, ongaonga or tree nettle (Urtica ferox), is an unwelcome garden plant, but integral to native ecology.

Fearsome of tooth, this stinging nettle exhibits narrow, sharply scalloped leaves and tender plant parts bearing pronounced white trichomes. These wicked needle-like projections contain a harmful toxin that causes acute pain and even nerve damage in humans and animals. Growing up to 3m in favorable conditions, tree nettle exhibits an open shrub-like habit, though appears as an herbaceous perennial when young and more isolated. "The ongaonga is said to begin life as a number of small plants, which spread (papa uku) over the ground, and are afterwards replaced by a single large stem" (Best, 1902). Its fruit and flowers are unremarkable.

Urtica ferox G.Forst., collected 4 December 2020, Maungapohatu, near northern campsite, New Zealand. Field Collection, 2020--2021. CC BY 4.0. Te Papa (SP110010/A)

Ongaonga grows in coastal-lowland forest margins and regenerating scrub on both islands. It performs best in fertile soils and open light, as is common in edge environments, and will not tolerate drought. In mild climates, it is evergreen, but grows increasingly deciduous with cold exposure. It is one of five native nettle species which grow in similar habitats, and even in wetland and montane environments.

Disdained for such malign touch, its critical role in the ecosystem is often disregarded. Ongaonga is a valuable insect refuge and food resource. Its leaves are the primary diet of the endemic red admiral butterfly, kahukura (Vanessa gonerilla) larvae, which knit themselves within its leaf tips for additional protection. Although this striking native is not at risk, habitat loss has removed all but a one wild population in Auckland.

Through spring and summer, it is also a host plant for native yellow admiral butterfly (Vanessa itea) eggs.

Photo by Tony Wills. (2009). Red admiral butterfly caterpillar hiding in a protective 'tent' made from a nettle leaf.

Though admiral butterfly larvae may feed from other native nettles, none are as hostile and defensive as U. ferox. Yet still, life finds a way (again). The shining cuckoo, pīpīwharauroa (Chrysococcyx lucidus), a migratory bird adapted to consume the uritcating body armour of toxic caterpillars, has recently been observed feeding on red admiral larvae directly from tree nettle shrubs, suggesting that it too has adapted to the plants' defenses.

Photo by Peter McGregor. (2019). Red admiral butterfly.

Māori also traditionally ate the inner stems, which are said to be sweet, and boiled tre nettle's bark with kawakawa to treat skin conditions and venereal disease.


Best, E. (1902). Food products of Tuhoeland: being notes on the food-supplies of a non-agricultural tribe of the natives of New Zealand: together with some account of various customs, superstitions etc. pertaining to foods. . Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, (35): 45-111.

Kawakawa leaves and flower spikes
kawakawa leaves and flower spikes | Photo by Gabriela V.

Kawakawa, a truly extraordinary endemic plant, used in the traditional Rongoā Māori, the time-honoured Māori healing system. It is known for its anti-inflammatori and anti-bacterial properties.

Found in the understory of lowland forests throughout New Zealand, it prefers shade with free-draining moist soil. Once established it will tollerate considerable drought. Kawakawa is frost tender. It grows to about 3 m height and 2 m width, but can be judiciously pruned if neccesarry.

Kawakawa leaves shown on a linocut print
Linocut print of kawakawa by Gabriela V.

Its beautiful heart-shaped, aromatic leaves are quite often adorned with a lacy network of holes, created by another endemic symbiotic species - the caterpillar of the kawakawa moth. It is believed that the affected leaves are the ones with the most healing properties and consequently recomended to use when harvesting for medicinal purposes.

Male and female flowers are carried on separate spikes, often on separate plants. The female flower spikes gradually swell after pollination and become fleshy and turn yellow to bright orange attracting the kererū or New Zealand pigeon and tūī .

This plant is a must have for any garden.

Cleora scriptaria, kawakawa loper is the endemic moth species whose caterpillars are responsible for the holey appearance of the kawakawa leaves!

Kawakawa looper moth
Male kawakawa looper moth. | Image: Possums' End/ CC BY

Kawakawa looper caterpillar.
kawakawa looper caterpillar | Image: Kyle Bland / CC-BY-NC

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